The credit crunch has countless households across the globe cutting everyday costs and watching their overall spend. However, summer is a time of year when cost-cutting can perhaps take its biggest toll on households, particularly as many families are used to taking summer holidays. Holidays typically fall under the category of heftier household spends and many families are opting out of a summer holiday this year in the name of saving money.
However, not being able to travel abroad doesn’t mean you can’t relax and take a holiday close to home. There are many activities you and your family can partake in without going far, enabling you to relax and enjoy each others’ company without spending loads of cash.
To begin, think of activities you and your family might have liked to take part in if you went on holiday - then try to arrange similar activities close to home. This is a great opportunity for you and your family to brainstorm ideas together. For instance, would you have opted for a beach holiday?

Perhaps you and your family really enjoy the great outdoors which means you can have just as much fun hiking and trekking along trails around Britain. Many parents find that a week away on a camping trip can offer just as much enjoyment for themselves as well as their children.
While it's always nice to get away with the family somewhere, it's also nice to catch up with other members of your family who you don't get to see so often. If a trip to a foreign country is out of the question, staying in the UK to visit grandparents, cousins or children who have left home is always an option. Not only will you be able to save money on transport costs - you may even be able to drive to your destination - family members may be able to offer you a bed during your stay meaning you save money on your normal accommodation costs.
Of course, just because you’re holidaying at home doesn’t mean you should overlook certain precautions such as wearing sunscreen, taking out annual family travel insurance or retreating from direct sunlight once in a while - so if you plan to partake in outdoor activities, make sure you protect yourself and your family!
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